
Installing from source

Setup GDAL

GDAL is required when building from source.

GDAL Installation Instructions

You can also download GDAL from:

Additionally, you can use conda with the conda-forge channel:

conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda create -n yagdal_env libgdal cython
conda activate yagdal_env


“… we recommend always installing your packages inside a new environment instead of the base environment from anaconda/miniconda. Using envs make it easier to debug problems with packages and ensure the stability of your root env.”

yagdal Build Environment Variables


This sets the version of GDAL when building yagdal. This enables installing yagdal when the GDAL executables are not present but the header files exist.


This is the path to the base directory for GDAL. Examples of how to set the GDAL_DIR environment variable:


set GDAL_DIR=C:\OSGeo4W\


export GDAL_DIR=/usr/local

This is the path to the directory containing the GDAL libraries. If not set, it searches the lib and lib64 directories inside the GDAL directory.


This is the path to the GDAL include directory. If not set, it assumes it is the includes directory inside the GDAL directory.


This is a boolean value used when building a wheel.


Boolean that sets the compiler directive for cython to include the test coverage.

Setup yagdal

In the, the order for searching for GDAL is:

  1. The GDAL_DIR environment variable

  2. The gdalinfo executable in sys.prefix

  3. The gdalinfo executable on the PATH

For best results, set the GDAL_DIR environment variable to point to location of GDAL installation before running

Install yagdal


Cython or pip>=10.0.1 is required for the installation.


You may need to run pip with administrative privileges (e.g. sudo pip) or perform a user only installation (e.g. pip install –user).

From GitHub with pip:
pip install git+
From cloned GitHub repo for development:
pip install -e .